Life Groups

We're excited to announce the introduction of LifeGroups to Crosspoint!! LifeGroups is a biblical concept that we are convinced will facilitate individual discipleship and spiritual growth for our church family , and impact our community.

So what exactly are LifeGroups and how do they work? Well... chances are you are already quite familiar with them, and may already be participating in on in some form. They are NOT a typical church program or ministry. They are NOT simply another Bible study.

LifeGroups are meant to go much deeper than the typical church programs or a study that ends in a few weeks. LifeGroups are meant to be a way of living out Acts 2:42-47 in our modern day. As Christ Followers who are learning to be disciples, we need close connections with other disciples in order to mature in Christ... to be "discipled". This cannot happen in isolation or with casual relationships. "Iron sharpening iron" cannot happen without close contact.

If you are interested in finding out more about LifeGroups, please contact the church office via email and someone will get back to you with more information.